Publications of the Regional Centre
Within the framework of the activities carried out for the Regional Documentation Centre for Childhood and Adolescence of the Region of Tuscany, the Institute periodically produces monographs, volumes and journals on the Centre's multiple areas of intervention: research, statistics and monitoring, training, promotion.
The results of these activities are published in digital and printed format and made available online.

Bibliographic Review on Childhood and Adolescence issues
Quarterly journal with bibliographical information on childhood and adolescence issues

Childhood and Adolescence Classification
The Classification is a sort of classified catalogue, primarily designed for physical placement of documents on shelves

Childhood, Adolescence and Family
Publishing series of the Regional Documentation Centre for Childhood and Adolescence

Childhood, Adolescence and Family - the Booklets
Publishing series of the Regional Documentation Centre of the Region of Tuscany

Education 0-6
Publishing series of the Regional Documentation Centre for Childhood and Adolescence

Th.IA Childhood and Adolescence Thesaurus
The Th.I.A. is today a useful cataloguing tool for anyone dealing with childhood and adolescence. It facilitates the exchange of information between…

Thematic Paths - Supplements to the Bibliographic Review
Quarterly Supplement to the Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza