In collaboration with the Municipality of Florence, we offer a Neutral Space Service to protect the right to visit and relationships between children aged 0 to 6 and their non-cohabiting family members.

Mani in primo piano di una donna adulta trattengono quelle di una bambina seduta di fronte

The Istituto degli Innocenti has been running activities for the implementation of the Neutral Space Service for children aged between 0 and 6 years of age since 2017, as part of a collaboration agreement with the Municipality of Florence.

The Neutral Space Service, held with experts, aims at observing, monitoring, protecting and facilitating relationships between children and parents and/or significant non-cohabiting relatives. Their purpose is to safeguard the right of visitation and relationship while protecting the child's interests. The Neutral Space Service is mandated by the Judicial Authority (Ordinary Court or Juvenile Court) following assessments carried out by the referring Municipality's Social Services.

The Neutral Space Service takes place in an appropriate and stimulating context, as pleasant, serene and welcoming as possible, a 'neutral' place with elements (furniture, play materials) organised and arranged to facilitate the relationships. The spaces are organised to accommodate even very young children.

Contact person
Cristina Gabbiani
Direttore di Area

Neutral space

quattro mani avvicinano tra loro pezzi di un puzzle

A neutral space is a well-equipped area with a one-way mirror, audio and video recording equipment for supervision, therapy, technical consultations and case reports. The mirror is an important tool for practitioners who can carefully observe the relationship between parents and children in a neutral manner. Meetings can be seen again because they can be video recorded.

On request, the space can also be used by external stakeholders (social services, justice bodies, law enforcement agencies).

Last update: 01/20/2023 - 11:43