bambino con mappamondo

We are engaged in international research activities in collaboration with European and international organisations. We regularly participate in calls for proposals promoted by the European Union aimed at funding exchange, training and research projects on the protection and promotion of children and adolescent's rights.

Activities and Services

European and International Projects

European and international exchange, training and research projects.

International Cooperation

We carry out international cooperation activities through training, exchange and hosting international delegations.

News and Events

L'apertura del seminario di presentazione ''La crisi nei percorsi adottivi in Italia''

Adoptions: Almost Always Success Stories.Adoption crises account for 3% of international adoptions.

The survey involved 24 of Italy's 29 Juvenile Courts, equally distributed among all areas of the country for a total of 725 files that were studied,…

Presidente Istituto degli Innocenti, Maria Grazia Giuffrida

World Children's Rights Day, Chairwoman Giuffrida's Interview with Avvenire

"The significance of this World Day? Very important and intense, since it celebrates the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved by the UN…

Il logo del progetto Engaged in Equality

Engaged in Equality, Teacher Training Starts on 23 November

The overall objective of the Engaged in Equality project is the transformation of relationships based on unequal power between adolescent males and…

La tavola rotonda della conferenza finale di EcaRom a Vilnius (Lituania)

Pathways to a Caring Masculinity. In Vilnius the Final Conference of EcaRom.

"Caring is everything we do to maintain, prolong and repair our 'world' so that we can live in it in the best possible way. Caring includes our…


Publications and Projects

Logo in bianco e nero con disegni abbozzati di bambini e scritta

Boys in Care

European project carried out in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Italy from 2017 to 2019 with the aim of introducing young people…



European project on reception of foreign minors in Europe, involving Italy (with the Institute as lead partner), Greece and Bulgaria.

locandina della conferenza del progetto Rise


The Rise project - Roma Inclusive School Experiences - is funded by the European Commission and has the following organisations as its partners:…

i ragazzi dello Youth Advisory Board durante una riunione

Technical Assistance for the Establishment of the Youth Advisory Board

The Istituto degli Innocenti offers technical assistance to the Youth Advisory Board, a participation body for adolescents tasked with the…

logo del progetto Engaged in Equality

Engaged in Equality – Challenging masculinities and engaging adolescent boys to end gender-based violence

The project, funded by the European Union, aims at engaging adolescent boys as allies in the fight against gender-based violence by promoting…


EcaRoM – Early care and the role of men

European project on gender stereotypes in early childhood education.

Collana Studi e Ricerche della CAI

Series ‘Studi e Ricerche’

Publishing series produced by the Institute for the Commission for Intercountry Adoption- CAI

Logo Carmia

Caring Masculinities in Action - CarMiA

The project, funded by the European Union, aims to prevent Gender Based Violence (GBV) among young people by promoting critical reflection on…
