An educational service in agreement with the Municipality of Florence, the Centre integrates the educational methods of the crèche with those of the kindergarten

Bambini ridenti in piedi all'ombra di un aquilone colorato

Established in 2019, the Innocenti’s 0-6 Polo is based within the Istituto degli Innocenti in Florence and is the result of a synergy between the Institute and the Municipality of Florence. Conceived as a permanent centre of research, innovation and openness to its surrounding areas, it offers children and their families an educational experience integrating theoretical reflections and educational and teaching practices that characterise the nurseries and preschools of the of the Municipality of Florence and the Innocenti Institute.

The Polo, which welcomes around 250 boys and girls on a daily basis, includes the following services

  • three nurseries: Birillo, Trottola and Biglia
  • the Girandola integrated 0-6 educational centre
  • the ‘Crescere insieme’ children and family centre
  • the Innocenti municipal kindergarten

Integration between the teaching methods of the crèche and those of the kindergarten is implemented in the teaching project of the 0-6 Polo through joint planning, coordination and training activities which focus on the children. Particular attention is paid to providing a welcoming and inclusive educational context fostering relationships, experience and independence, and the promotion of families’ active participation.

Contact person
Cristina Gabbiani
Direttore di Area

Last update: 01/20/2023 - 11:23