The spaces of the Istituto degli Innocenti are available for events and conferences.

veduta del Salone Brunelleschi durante un convegno con proiezioni a schermo

The Istituto degli Innocenti also hosts events: conferences, presentations, exhibitions, national and international meetings, training sessions, dinners and shows. Almost all the spaces were renovated in 2016 and now offer functional and atmospheric venues in the heart of Florence.

Contact person
Segreteria eventi

Spaces for events

Interno della Sala Poccetti con platea di sedie di fronte a un podio e con parete di fondo affrescata


  • Salone Borghini (248 sqm): a modern, multifunctional space suitable for temporary exhibitions and cultural events. The space is integrated into the museum route but may be independently accessed.
  • The Salone delle Compagnie (215 sqm) offers an evocative and functional historical setting for events, receptions and meetings of various kinds.

Ground floor

  • The Salone Brunelleschi (approx. 275 sqm), a vast historical hall with an incomparable atmosphere, connected on both sides to the monumental courtyards. Equipped with excellent acoustics, it is suitable for exhibitions, conferences and corporate meetings, dinners and cocktails, concerts and shows.

  • The spectacular Salone Poccetti (125 sqm), the San Giovanni Room (42 sqm) and the Grazzini Room (40 sqm).

First floor

  • Priore Hall 2 (40 sqm)
  • Monumental courtyards

During the Museum's closing hours, and depending on the Institute's other services to the public, events can be organised in the monumental courtyards: the Women's Courtyard (486 square metres) and the Men's Courtyard (approx. 600 square metres).

Proceeds from external initiatives are used to support the other activities and services offered by the Istituto degli Innocenti.

NoteUseful links

Last update: 01/20/2023 - 11:55