We deal with the systematic selection, preservation and processing of bibliographical, legal, statistical, filmographic documents and information sources as well as projects on childhood and adolescence in printed, electronic and multimedia form. The material can be consulted through the Catalogue (Discovery) and specific databases.
The archival documentation is accessible through the online Inventory.
The documents can be consulted through the services offered by the Innocenti A.C. Moro Library, both in-house and remotely.
Activities and Services
Data Banks
Collecting and organising data, documents, laws and projects to monitor the condition of children, young people and families over time and supporting the planning of services and measures.
Historical Archive
It preserves the memory of this old institution and those who lived there. The documentation is accessible from the reading room in the Innocenti A.C. Moro Library.
Legal and Bibliographical Reference
On-site and remote legal and bibliographic reference services for institutional bodies and individuals.
Technical Support
Technical and scientific consultancy services for the National Observatory for Childhood and Adolescence, the National Observatory of the Family and the Observatory for the Fight against Paedophilia.
The Innocenti Library Alfredo Carlo Moro
Specialized in the rights of children and adolescents, it has about 30,000 Italian and foreign documents, paper and electronic texts.
Ser.I.O. Servizio per le Informazioni sulle Origini (Service on Information on Origin)
A service promoted by the Region of Tuscany and the Istituto degli Innocenti to support people who were abandoned in their search for information on their origins.
News and Events

Right to Study of Adopted Pupils - the Commission for Intercountry Adoption (CAI) and the Ministry of Education and Merit update their Guidelines
From 2012 to 2021, 17,610 children were adopted in Italy, and the age of those adopted internationally has gradually increased over time: in 2020,…

Flood in Florence: the Fate of the 200 Innocenti Children in Don Attilio Piccini's Diary
7 o'clock: It's raining heavily. I have celebrated Mass as usual. 8 o'clock: Our deputy farm manager in Figline tells me that a fearsome wave of…

Designing Services “For and With” the New Generations: Here’s the Innocenti Manual
The awareness-raising and training plan dedicated to the Manuale di programmazione e progettazione dei servizi per le nuove generazioni (Manual for…

Family Centres: from National Planning to the Commitment of the Istituto degli Innocenti
Family Centres began to develop at the end of the 1980s as services close to families, with the aim of establishing a permanent point of reference…
Publications and Projects

Educating in Complexity
Accompanying and training pathway implemented since 2015 to support the City of Naples in revising its system of socio-educational interventions…

Up Minors
Presentation of the results of the ‘Up Minori’ project aimed at supporting the integration of young people accommodated in ‘apartments for…

Autism: Observing to Intercept Precursors
Report on the training course aimed at nursery school educators of the Lazio region to learn how to detect the first symptoms of autism

New Guidelines for Bodies Authorised to Conduct Intercountry Adoption Procedures
The New Guidelines are an easy-to-read tool to guide the activities of accredited bodies during the most important stages of intercountry adoption…

Series ‘Studi e Ricerche’
Publishing series produced by the Institute for the Commission for Intercountry Adoption- CAI

The Protection of Children Orphaned Because of Domestic Crime
Study and proposal document aimed at identifying the real needs and requirements of children orphaned because of domestic crime

Inclusion and participation of new generations of immigrant origin.
Study and proposal document on Inclusion and participation of new generations of immigrant origin

The right to play and sport for children and young people with disabilities
A study document mapping the state of the art of the right to play and sport for children and young people with disabilities

Children's rights explained to children
A brochure aimed at primary and secondary school teachers to support them when talking to children about their rights

Publications on the Care Leavers Project
Publications and information material on the Care Leavers Project - Experimentation of interventions in favour of those individuals who, on reaching…

Planning and Design Manual
Structured around three main areas - planning, design and thematic foci - the Manual is aimed at accompanying a new form of planning ‘for and with’…

Education 0-6
Publishing series of the Regional Documentation Centre for Childhood and Adolescence

Childhood, Adolescence and Family - the Booklets
Publishing series of the Regional Documentation Centre of the Region of Tuscany

Reports on the Conditions of Childhood and Adolescence in Italy
The Reports on the Condition of Childhood and Adolescence in Italy develop the issues at the core of the work of the National Observatory for…

Reports on the implementation of Law 285/1997
Annual Report to Parliament on the Implementation of Law 285/1997 on the promotion of rights and opportunities for children and adolescents

Government Reports to the UN
Report on the State of Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Italy

National Centre Booklets
Publishing series of the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Childhood and Adolescence

Publications on the RSC Project
Reports and information material on the RSC Project - National Project for the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children.

National Centre Booklets
Short educational booklets edited by the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Childhood and Adolescence

Convention on the Rights of the Child and related optional protocols
A revised translation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Growing Citizens
Journal of the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Childhood and Adolescence

Th.IA Childhood and Adolescence Thesaurus
The Th.I.A. is today a useful cataloguing tool for anyone dealing with childhood and adolescence. It facilitates the exchange of information between…

Childhood and Adolescence Classification
The Classification is a sort of classified catalogue, primarily designed for physical placement of documents on shelves

Bibliographic Review on Childhood and Adolescence issues
Quarterly journal with bibliographical information on childhood and adolescence issues

Thematic Paths - Supplements to the Bibliographic Review
Quarterly Supplement to the Rassegna bibliografica infanzia e adolescenza

Order and Government.
La pubblicazione ripercorre gli scritti inediti di Vincenzo Borghini, filologo e storico attivo alla corte di Cosimo I de’ Medici nonché Priore agli…

Children’s Look to the Future. The Innocenti Today
This publication summarises the rich and varied range of activities currently taking place at the Innocenti.

The Broken Coin
A journey back in time in the history of the Innocenti dedicated to children, with texts by Sara Marconi and illustrations by Simone Frasca

The Merchant, the Hospital, the Children.
Catalogue of the exhibition on the care system in Florence between the 14th and 15th centuries and on the establishment of the Spedale, held at the…

The Innocenti and Florence Over the Centuries
This volume recounts the intense experiences and the strong links, over the centuries, between the Innocenti and the city.

Figli d'Italia (Children of Italy)
Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Istituto degli Innocenti from 3 December 2011 to 18 March 2012