Annual Report to Parliament on the Implementation of Law 285/1997 on the promotion of rights and opportunities for children and adolescents

cover dei Quaderni del centro L 285

Le relazioni sullo stato di attuazione della legge 285/1997

InfoNote di edizione

Every year, the Institute drafts the Report to Parliament on the implementation of Law 285/1997, within the framework of the activities of the National Centre for Documentation and Analysis on Childhood and Adolescence, using the analysis and monitoring activities on Law 285/1997 and the information from the documentary database of projects and other in-depth studies.

The report aims at investigating and interpreting trends in planning for children and adolescents at local level and evaluating projects and their implementation on the ground.

The Reports are published in the Booklet of the National Centre.

Last update: 01/20/2023 - 17:54