Research and monitoring
We carry out research into and surveys onphenomena affecting children, adolescents and families. The purpose of this work is to expand knowledge about their living conditions and further investigate specific topics.
The analysis of their condition is underpinned by qualitative and quantitative aspects resulting from the systematic collection of data and statistical indicators.
Monitoring the status of implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and particular aspects of life affecting children and adolescents provides useful information to develop and evaluate policies. It also offers concrete support for their local planning.
Activities and Services
Statistical References
The Institute's systems for collecting, processing and analysing data, also integrated with other sources.
Technical Support
Technical and scientific consultancy services for the National Observatory for Childhood and Adolescence, the National Observatory of the Family and the Observatory for the Fight against Paedophilia.
News and Events

Family Centres in Tuscany, the Future Looks to 'Relational' Services
Family Centres are welcoming places designed to develop activities and initiatives in the field of family policies, with a focus on creating new…

Third Survey on the Lifestyles of Girls and Boys in Tuscany
The survey contains many highlights: 76% of girls “really like” the school they attend; 75% of young people play sports; the degree of satisfaction…

Restorative Justice Works. National Survey Results Presented in Rome
Restorative justice works and is a tool capable of promoting virtuous circles of reconstruction of social cohesion and processes of pacification,…

Designing Services “For and With” the New Generations: Here’s the Innocenti Manual
The awareness-raising and training plan dedicated to the Manuale di programmazione e progettazione dei servizi per le nuove generazioni (Manual for…
Publications and Projects

Technical Assistance for the Establishment of the Youth Advisory Board
The Istituto degli Innocenti offers technical assistance to the Youth Advisory Board, a participation body for adolescents tasked with the…

Care Leavers’ Experimentation
National experimentation of interventions in favour of those individuals who, on reaching the age of majority, live outside their families of origin…

Educating in Complexity
Accompanying and training pathway implemented since 2015 to support the City of Naples in revising its system of socio-educational interventions…

Foster Care and Adoption: A Collaboration with the Abruzzo Region
Awareness-raising, training and information programme on family fostering and adoption to reduce the institutionalisation of minors, raise local…

Children’s right to be heard in court
Report on the results of the survey promoted by the Ombudsperson for Children and Adolescents to understand how listening is performed and what…

Childhood, Adolescence and Family
Publishing series of the Regional Documentation Centre for Childhood and Adolescence

Childhood, Adolescence and Family - the Booklets
Publishing series of the Regional Documentation Centre of the Region of Tuscany

National Centre Booklets
Publishing series of the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Childhood and Adolescence

Education 0-6
This is the first volume in the new series Infanzia e adolescenza agli Innocenti (Childhood and Adolescence at the Innocenti) presenting in-depth…