Training and promotion
We design professional training and refresher courses on issues concerning childhood, adolescence and families for practitioners and professionals engaged in various capacities in the educational, social, legal and health fields, through:
Customised training courses designed and implemented in the framework of institutional collaborations with public and private partners;
Catalogue of training courses through the ‘Formarsi agli Innocenti’ Training Agency;
Media education initiatives and activities in school and extracurricular contexts;
Training and promotion projects of an innovative or experimental nature also through participation in calls for tenders;
Organising events, seminars and conferences.
Activities and Services
Bambini al Centro (Children at the Centre)
A family mediation service for couples in high-conflict situations to protect the psychophysical well-being of their children.
Centro Famiglie Firenze (Florence Family Centre)
New service for families
Ser.I.O. Servizio per le Informazioni sulle Origini (Service on Information on Origin)
A service promoted by the Region of Tuscany and the Istituto degli Innocenti to support people who were abandoned in their search for information on their origins.
News and Events

Digital Licence, the Web-Surfing Awareness Project that Works and Looks to the Future
From the positive results of the experiment launched in 2019 to the need to increase the number of young people involved in order to provide as many…

A Guide to Make Children Aware of the National Plan against Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
An agile publication, written in simple and clear language, to explain to children and young people the National Plan for Preventing and Combating…

Right to Study of Adopted Pupils - the Commission for Intercountry Adoption (CAI) and the Ministry of Education and Merit update their Guidelines
From 2012 to 2021, 17,610 children were adopted in Italy, and the age of those adopted internationally has gradually increased over time: in 2020,…

Policy for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children Approved by the Institute's Board of Directors
An important document which stems from the commitment of the Istituto degli Innocenti to guarantee the right of all children to live in safety,…
Publications and Projects

Zerosei integrated system: the cooperation with the Municipality of Sassari.
Pathway developed with the technical and scientific assistance of the Istituto degli Innocenti to support the Zerosei integrated system of the…

Educating in Complexity
Accompanying and training pathway implemented since 2015 to support the City of Naples in revising its system of socio-educational interventions…

Foster Care and Adoption: A Collaboration with the Abruzzo Region
Awareness-raising, training and information programme on family fostering and adoption to reduce the institutionalisation of minors, raise local…

Zerosei Integrated System - A Collaboration with the Municipality of Nuoro
A pathway developed with the technical and scientific assistance of the Istituto degli Innocenti to support the Zerosei integrated system of the…

Residential Care for Children Outside the Family.
Report on the training and support course on the development of socio-educational residential services for the Municipality of Naples.

Autism: Observing to Intercept Precursors
Report on the training course aimed at nursery school educators of the Lazio region to learn how to detect the first symptoms of autism

Children's rights explained to children
A brochure aimed at primary and secondary school teachers to support them when talking to children about their rights

National Centre Booklets
Publishing series of the National Documentation and Analysis Centre for Childhood and Adolescence