Bambini al Centro (Children at the Centre)
Helping couples in crisis in the interest of their children
A family mediation service for couples in high-conflict situations to protect the psychophysical well-being of their children.
Area di attività

The Service is intended for:
married couples undergoing judicial separation
“de facto” couples living together as man and wife involved in judicial separation proceedings or in proceedings regarding the custody and/or maintenance of minor children;
couples with minor children who have not yet started proceedings at the Court of Florence (but, if they did, the Court of Florence would be the court of jurisdiction).
What is the Service About?
Through the professional intervention of an impartial third party - the mediator - an attempt is made to promote a collaborative process to resolve conflicts and reorganise family relations. The primary objective is protecting the psychophysical well-being of children and adolescents who find themselves involved in critical situations or their parents’ separation or divorce.
The Service is the result of a partnership between the Court of Florence, the Region of Tuscany, the Istituto degli Innocenti, the Ordine degli Avvocati di Firenze (Florence Lawyers Association) and the Organismo di conciliazione di Firenze (Florence Reconciliation Organisation).
The Service is entirely free and voluntary as it is up to the couples to decide whether or not to start a family mediation process. Indeed, from the very first meeting, the parties are told the purpose of the service, the fact that it is free and the freedom of choice that spouses or partners have.
Only when both parties agree does the mediation process start.
Interested couples can arrange an informational interview with a mediator by contacting the Public Relations Office of the Court of Florence, Palazzo di Giustizia, access A, floor 1- Viale Alessandro Guidoni 61- 50127 Florence.
Phone: 055-7995341
Last update: 01/20/2023 - 12:08