Publications for the Italian Authority for Children and Adolescents
The Institute carries out analysis, monitoring, training, promotion and information activities related to the areas of competence of the Commission in accordance with Law L.476/1998 and subsequent regulations under Presidential Decree DPR 108/2007.
The results of these activities are published in the ‘Studies and Research’ series with which the Commission intends to provide a coordinated outline of the materials produced on the various aspects of the adoption of children from foreign countries, encouraging the widest possible reflection at national and international level.
The publications aim at stimulating and improving adoption policies through information and training support for all the actors in the system.

New Guidelines for Bodies Authorised to Conduct Intercountry Adoption Procedures
The New Guidelines are an easy-to-read tool to guide the activities of accredited bodies during the most important stages of intercountry adoption…

Series ‘Studi e Ricerche’
Publishing series produced by the Institute for the Commission for Intercountry Adoption- CAI