Casa Bambini (Children’s Home)

Casa Bambini accommodates up to 7 children (plus a further 2 in case of emergency), aged 0 to 6, who have been temporarily or permanently removed from their families of origin by court order.
The facility
Casa Bambini is organised into areas for extended socialising (for playing, building relationships and eating meals) and more intimate areas for personal care and rest. The outdoor area, exclusive and protected, integrates and expands the potential of the indoor space: it includes a terrace and a garden partly used as an educational garden.
The project
Casa Bambini aims at:
containing the length of stay, looking for solutions agreed with social and health institutions;
setting up an organisation ensuring that children enjoy privileged and continuous relations with the most important adults in their lives;
performing systematic observations on children’s growth.
The service is committed to fostering the children’s psychological and social development during their stay and facilitating reintegration in their families of origin or placement in foster or adoptive families, according to specific individual educational projects, drawn up in cooperation with the foster social service.