EcaRoM – Early care and the role of men
European project on gender stereotypes in early childhood education.
Working area
Project type

The project - funded under the call of the European Commission - Rights, Citizenship Program - is aimed at addressing the issue of gender stereotypes (with a particular focus on masculinity and care) in the field of early childhood education through training of educators, the development of training materials and awareness-raising activities. The lead partner is the German institution Dissens, the other partners are: Center for Equality Advancement (Vilnius, Lithuania); Center of Women's Studies and Policies (Sofia, Bulgaria); Institut für Männer-und Geschlechterforschung im Verein für Männer-und Geschlechterthemen Steiermark (Graz, Austria); Istituto degli Innocenti (Florence, Italy); Peace Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia). During the final conference which took place on 30 November 2022, in Vilnius (Lithuania), the main results of the project were presented
Last update: 09/01/2023 - 11:09