Engaged in Equality – Challenging masculinities and engaging adolescent boys to end gender-based violence
The project, funded by the European Union, aims at engaging adolescent boys as allies in the fight against gender-based violence by promoting questioning rigid gender stereotypes and roles as well as the concept of hegemonic masculinity among adolescents.
The following partner countries are involved in the project coordinated by SURT (Spain): Slovenia, Cyprus, Italy and Austria.
Working area
Project type

The aim of the project is to challenge traditional gender roles and hegemonic masculinity by engaging adolescent males as allies in the fight against gender-based violence. It also aims at helping girls to identify the potential risks of hegemonic masculinity and gain confidence in order to reject abusive behaviour and relationships.
Exchanges, understanding and cooperation between boys and girls will be strengthened to help them build healthy and positive relationships together.
Strengthening the capability of teachers and educational staff to prevent gender-based violence by educating and engaging adolescent males as allies in promoting positive gender relations through creative and youth-friendly methods.
Promoting the use of music as a tool to challenge hegemonic masculinity, gender norms and stereotypes and to promote different and positive male role models among adolescents.
Raising adolescent males' awareness and adolescent females' empowerment to promote their communication, understanding and joint action to build healthy relationships and fight gender-based violence.
Fostering national and transnational exchanges and peer learning among adolescents and teachers in order to promote innovative and effective strategies and methods for the prevention of gender-based violence.
Raising awareness of the need to address hegemonic masculinity for effective gender-based violence prevention and promoting the dissemination and use of the project outcomes at local, national and European level.
Training courses for teachers on the prevention of gender-based violence; development of teaching materials.
Development of a Teacher Toolkit with resources and activities to engage adolescents in combating gender-based violence and promoting gender parity.
National seminars for teachers and educational staff.
Awareness-raising and empowerment activities for adolescents (14-16 years).
Peer-to-peer workshops conducted by teenagers trained in the topic.
European Forum at the Istituto degli Innocenti with the participation of young people and teachers from all countries involved.
Development of an awareness-raising campaign carried out with the young people.
SURT – Spain (coordinator)
The Peace Institute - Slovenia
Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) - Cyprus
Istituto degli Innocenti - Italy
Verein für Männer- und Geschlechterthemen Steiermark (VMG) / Association for Men’s and Gender Issues Styria (AMGI) - Austria
Last update: 09/01/2023 - 11:08