UNU-WIDER in collaboration with UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre will hold a launch event for the book Fragile States: Causes, Costs, and Responses (Wim Naudé, Amelia U. Santos-Paulino, and Mark McGillivray, eds.; Oxford University Press).

Overcoming state fragility is one of the most important international development objectives of the 21st century, as many fragile states have turned into failed states, where millions of people are caught in deprivation and seemingly hopeless conditions.

This book documents the far-reaching global repercussions of state fragility and provides a timely contribution to the international discourse on three dimensions of fragile states: their causes, their costs and the responses required. Is aims to contribute to our understanding of how strong and accountable states can be fostered — states where government and civil society progressively advance human well-being, underpin households’ resilience in the face of shocks, and form effective partnerships to maximize the benefits of development assistance.

Please see the book launch page on the UNU-WIDER website for more information.

Last update: 03/08/2012 - 09:40