Firenze - Istituto degli Innocenti

1st European Conference for the Implementation of the UNESCO-SCBD Joint
Programme on Biological and Cultural Diversity

Key Topics:

  • Interactions between cultural and biological diversity and identification of linkages between cultural and biological diversity in the European context
  • Historical development of biodiversity patterns associated with "natural" and "cultural" landscapes, including the interacting actors, factors and processes
  • Traditional agricultural and forest management practices related to bio-cultural diversity
  • Development of methods and approaches for the assessment of the links between biological and cultural diversity and the resulting "bio-cultural" diversity
  • Development of integrated management strategies at landscape level
  • Implementation of international, regional and national agreements dealing with cultural and biological diversity

Information and registration:


Conference Secretariat: - Laboratory for Landscape and Cultural Heritage, Department of Agricultural Food and Forestry Systems, University of Florence

Last update: 04/08/2014 - 09:07